Volar Distal Radius Plate - 2.4/2.7 mm Variable Angle Rim

Product Overview

Introducing our advanced Volar Distal Radius Rim Plate (Variable Angle 2.4/2.7 mm) , a cutting-edge orthopedic implant designed to redefine wrist fracture repair. This innovative plate offers adjustable angle fixation, empowering surgeons to provide tailored solutions for even the most complex cases. Precision-crafted and engineered for stability, our plate sets a new standard in orthopedic care. Elevate patient outcomes and ensure the utmost in fracture healing and wrist function restoration with this trusted implant.

Product Uses
  • Distal Radius Fracture Fixation :The primary purpose is to stabilize and fixate distal radius fractures, providing support and alignment for optimal healing.

  • Variable Angle Fixation : The plate's adjustable angle feature allows surgeons to adapt the fixation angle to the specific needs of each patient and fracture, enhancing surgical flexibility.

  • Complex Fractures : It is particularly valuable in cases involving complex or comminuted distal radius fractures, where stability and precise alignment are critical.

  • Fracture Reduction : The plate facilitates the reduction of displaced fractures, assisting in aligning bone fragments accurately.

  • Wrist Joint Stabilization : By providing stability to the wrist joint, it helps prevent post-operative deformities and supports functional recovery.
Product Specification
  • Size : The plate has a width of 2.4mm, ensuring stability while accommodating varying anatomical structures.

  • Material :Manufactured from high-quality medical-grade titanium alloy for biocompatibility, strength, and durability.

  • Design : The plate features a variable angle design, allowing surgeons to adjust the angle of fixation during surgery to suit the patient's specific needs.

  • Thickness : The plate's thickness is standardized at 2.4mm to maintain structural integrity.

  • Thickness : The plate's thickness will correspond to the selected width, with one side being 2.4mm thick and the other side 2.7mm thick, ensuring strength and stability.

Volar Distal Radius - Rim Plate (Variable Angle 2.4/2.7 mm) Sizes

  • Patient Evaluation : The surgeon conducts a comprehensive evaluation of the patient's medical history, wrist condition, and any previous surgeries.

  • Imaging : X-rays, CT scans, or other imaging studies are performed to assess the extent and nature of the distal radius fracture.

  • Surgical Planning : Based on imaging results, the surgeon plans the procedure, including the selection of the appropriate plate size (2.4mm), length, and the anticipated angle of fixation using the variable angle feature.

  • Informed Consent : The surgeon discusses the procedure, potential risks, and benefits with the patient, obtaining informed consent.

  • Anesthesia : Anesthesia options (local, regional, or general) are discussed with the patient and administered as per the patient's and surgeon's preferences.
  • Patient Positioning : The patient is positioned on the operating table with the affected wrist accessible and exposed.

  • Incision : A sterile field is established, and a carefully planned incision is made over the distal radius. The incision's length and location are determined by the fracture pattern and the chosen plate size.

  • Fracture Reduction : The surgeon carefully manipulates and reduces the fractured bone fragments, ensuring proper alignment.

  • Plate Placement : The "Volar Distal Radius Rim Plate (Variable Angle 2.4/2.7 mm)" is positioned over the fracture site, and screws are inserted through the plate's screw holes to secure it in place. The variable angle feature allows for fine-tuned placement.

  • Variable Angle Fixation : Utilizing the variable angle feature of the plate, the surgeon adjusts the angle of fixation as needed to achieve optimal alignment and stability.

  • Wound Closure : The incision is meticulously closed using sutures or staples, ensuring a clean and infection-free wound closure.
  • Recovery Room : The patient is monitored in the recovery room to ensure stable vital signs and absence of immediate post-operative complications.

  • Pain Management : Pain management protocols are initiated as needed to keep the patient comfortable.

  • Physical Therapy : Depending on the surgeon's recommendations, physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises may be initiated to promote wrist mobility and strength.

  • Follow-Up Appointments : The patient is scheduled for follow-up appointments with the surgeon to monitor the healing process, remove sutures or staples, and assess overall recovery.

  • X-ray Monitoring : Regular X-rays are taken to evaluate bone healing and the position of the implant.